Iwas Kombulsyon (Seizure) Tips
1 min readNov 8, 2024
Most people with epilepsy can manage seizures with medication. In addition to medication, lifestyle changes can also reduce the risk of seizures. These include:
- Get adequate sleep. Fatigue is a common trigger of seizures. When your sleep suffers, your brain is more susceptible to misfiring, causing seizures. Managing stressors can also help promote good quality sleep.
- Avoid alcohol and other recreational drugs. Alcohol and illicit drug use can trigger seizures.
- Take your medications. Missed doses of anti-seizure medications are a common seizure trigger that can be avoided.
- Take caution with new medications. Some medications, including over-the-counter medications, can increase your risk of seizure. Consult with your clinician if or when you are starting a new medication.
- Avoid your triggers. Keep a diary of any specific triggers that may result in seizures. For some people, this may include flashing lights, stress or dehydration.
Details from the Northwestern Medicine USA