Learn to spot a Brain Aneurysm before it’s too late by Dr Winnie Lim Khoo Neurologist Manila Philippines


Brain Aneurysm is the ballooning in a blood vessel in the brain. It can leak or rupture, causing bleeding into the brain (hemorrhagic stroke). Most often a ruptured brain aneurysm occurs in the space between the brain and the thin tissues covering the brain. This type of hemorrhagic stroke is called a subarachnoid hemorrhage.

A ruptured aneurysm quickly becomes life-threatening but most brain aneurysms, however, don’t rupture, it may create health problems or cause symptoms. Such aneurysms are often detected during tests for other conditions.Treatment for an unruptured brain aneurysm may be appropriate in some cases and may prevent a rupture in the future.

Unruptured brain aneurysms are typically completely asymptomatic. These aneurysms are typically small in size, usually less than one half inch in diameter. However, large unruptured aneurysms can occasionally press on the brain or the nerves stemming out of the brain and may result in various neurological symptoms. Any individual experiencing some or all of the following symptoms, regardless of age, should undergo immediate and careful evaluation by a physician.

  • * Localized Headache
  • * Dilated pupils
  • * Blurred or double vision
  • * Pain above and behind eye
  • * Weakness and numbness
  • * Difficulty speaking

Ruptured brain aneurysms usually result in a subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), which is defined as bleeding into the subarachnoid space. When blood escapes into the space around the brain, it can cause sudden symptoms.

* Sudden severe headache, the worst headache of your life

* Loss of consciousness

  • * Nausea/Vomiting
  • * Stiff Neck
  • * Sudden blurred or double vision
  • * Sudden pain above/behind the eye or difficulty seeing
  • * Sudden change in mental status/awareness
  • * Sudden trouble walking or dizziness
  • * Sudden weakness and numbness
  • * Sensitivity to light (photophobia)
  • * Seizure

Treatment for brain aneurysms is more promising than it was several years ago. There are more effective and less invasive treatment options for patients, who in years past, would have been told they had inoperable aneurysms. Doctors consider several factors when deciding which treatment option is best for a particular patient. Some factors include patient age, size of aneurysm and location of aneurysm. #stroke #aneurysm #pain #headhache #specialist #neurologist #doctor #winnielimkhoo #manila #philippines #medicine #health #treatment #strokecare



Dr Winnie Lim Khoo : Neurologist in Metro Manila
Dr Winnie Lim Khoo : Neurologist in Metro Manila

Written by Dr Winnie Lim Khoo : Neurologist in Metro Manila

Adult Neurologist in Manila Philippines. She is a Brain, Spinal cord & Nerve Specialist with Masters Degree in Headache Disorder. www.winnielimkhoo.com

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